It’s time again for the annual Dig Safe conference!

It’s time again for the annual Dig Safe conference!

Once again, Safety in Schools will be participating in Alberta Common Ground Alliance (ABCGA) Dig Safe Conference in April. This year’s conference is being held at the Sheraton Hotel in Red Deer on April 3 and 4, 2017.

The main conference day (April 4) will include several discussion sessions on various topics as well as a keynote address by Steve Howe (Kiewit) titled “Prioritizing Safety in Challenging Times”.

Click on the invitation to learn more about the conference and how to register.

When: April 3rd and 4th 2017

Where: Sheraton Hotel, Red Deer AB


  • $150 + GST per ticket for the April 4 Dig Safe Conference
  • $125 + GST for the Supervisory Level Ground Disturbance Training on April 3
  • $225 + GST to attend both events ($50 in savings!)
  • $750 + GST for a table of 6 (buy 5, get one free)
  • $650 for a booth for members, $750 for a booth for non-members (includes one registration)

All prices include a hot breakfast and lunch.

Don’t forget that April is Dig Safe Month! Check out Safety in Schools’for more information!